By accessing or using the Mentor Matching Engine, you agree to the terms of this Online Privacy Policy, as outlined below. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not access or use this site.


Mentor Matching Engine is an open sharing environment for ideas.  Communication via Mentor Matching Engine is not confidential.  As administrator of the system, ISTI is a facilitator of this communication via Mentor Matching Engine. Individuals with concerns about confidentiality of their projects or ideas should seek the assistance of counsel. 


When you engage in certain activities on this site, you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself by filling out and submitting an online form. It is completely optional for you to engage in these activities. If you elect to engage in these activities, however, you may be required to provide personal information, such as your name, e-mail address, and other personal identifying information. This information is not visible to additional users. 

When you submit personal information, you understand and agree that the Mentor Matching Engine may transfer, store, and process your information in any of the countries in which the partners of the Mentor Matching Engine maintain offices, including without limitation, the United States. Student data and information is only stored on the Mentor Matching Engine in the aggregate with no personal student information provided to third parties or stored on external servers. 

The Mentor Matching Engine collects this information in order to record and support your participation in the activities you select. The Mentor Matching Engine may also use information that you provide as part of our effort to keep you informed about changes to the Mentor Matching Engine and other products and services offered or supported by ISTI.  Neither the Mentor Matching Engine, ISTI or its partners will ever sell or share your information with other companies.


Mentor Matching Engine provides a service to their users and they are committed to ensuring the privacy of personal information. Use of the Mentor Matching Engine is subject to all applicable state and federal laws, as well as general policies outlined on this website. It is our usual practice not to share any personal information. However, when circumstances arise for the need to share information gathered from the Mentor Matching Engine, we may share as:

  • authorized by law,

  • permitted under our policies found on this website,

  • clearly stated on the Mentor Matching Engine that such information will be shared and the user indicates consent by providing the information,

  • consent is otherwise given,

  • certain user demographic information with the Illinois State Board of Education and other funders.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records.  FERPA governs the release of these records (known as education records) maintained by an educational institution, as well as the access to these records.

Certain student information stored on the Mentor Matching Engine may be deemed to constitute student records within the meaning of FERPA.  It is the policy of the Mentor Matching Engine, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), to withhold personally identifiable information contained in any student user's educational records unless the student has consented to disclosure.  The Mentor Matching Engine also requires student consent to disclosure of educational records to the Mentor Matching Engine before participating as a user on the Mentor Matching Engine.  Directory information, which is not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed, may be disclosed to the public. However, private information, such as grades or class schedules will not be collected and will not be released without express consent from the student.

The Mentor Matching Engine integrates Google Meets through the video conferencing feature. ISTC Education requests your Google user email address to display login status and does not otherwise store this information on our servers.  Mentor Matching Engine creates Google Meet conference spaces using your signed-in Google user when you schedule a video conference, and stores the generated spaces' identifiers indefinitely to enable the use and service continuity of Mentor Matching Engine videoconferencing features.  You can sign out of your Google user inside Mentor Matching Engine or delete the access you've given the application via your Google account settings to remove Mentor Matching Engine's ability to act as you.

By hosting this integration, ISTC agreed to the following;

Limited Use: Our use of data obtained via the product's specified scopes must comply with the below requirements. These requirements apply to the raw data obtained from the scopes and data aggregated, anonymized, or derived from them.

  1. Limit youruse of data to providing or improving user-facing features that are prominent in the requesting application's user interface;

  2. Transfers of data are not allowed, except:

    1. To provide or improve your appropriate access or user-facing features that are visible and prominent in the requesting application's user interface and only with the user's consent;

    2. For security purposes (for example, investigating abuse);

    3. To comply with applicable laws; or,

    4. As part of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets of the developer after obtaining explicit prior consent from the user.

  3. Don't allow humans to read the data, unless:

    1. You first obtained the user's affirmative agreement to view specific messages, files, or other data, with the limited exception of use cases approved by Google under additional terms applicable to the Nest Device Access program;

    2. It is necessary for security purposes (for example, investigating a bug or abuse);

    3. It is necessary to comply with applicable law; or

    4. The data (including derivations) is aggregated and used for internal operations in accordance with applicable privacy and other jurisdictional legal requirements.

All other transfers, uses, or sales of user data are prohibited, including:

  1. Transferring or selling user data to third parties like advertising platforms, data brokers, or any information resellers.

  2. Transferring, selling, or using user data for serving ads, including retargeting, personalized or interest-based advertising.

  3. Transferring, selling, or using user data to determine credit-worthiness or for lending purposes.

You must ensure that your employees, agents, contractors, and successors comply with this Google API Services User Data Policy.

  1. Secure Data Handling: Applications accessing the product specified scopes (the "Sensitive and Restricted Scopes") must demonstrate that they adhere to certain security practices. Depending on the API being accessed and number of user grants or users, applications must pass an annual security assessment and obtain a Letter of Assessment from a Google-designated third party. More information about the assessment requirements to obtain or keep access to the scopes is also available in the OAuth Application Verification FAQ and the product's Google Developer Page.



In compliance with SOPPA, ISTI received an approved scope of student data collection which includes;

  • First Name 

  • Last Name 

  • Email Address 

  • Grade Level 

  • Classroom 

  • Teacher 

  • School 

  • Language 

  • Survey Responses (non PII only) *Cannot be used for Marketing Purposes/SOPPA Prohibited* IP Address 

  • Student Generated Content 

  • Race

  • Ethnicity

  • Gender